Male Adult

  carlos toyota bjj
Iamazato Enzo male Blue JUVENILE 16-17 Open Weight BRA
Iamazato Enzo male Blue JUVENILE 16-17 Feather BRA
Egashira Pietro male Blue JUVENILE 16-17 Medium Heavy BRA
Egashira Pietro male Blue JUVENILE 16-17 Open Weight BRA

  impacto bjj
Dilay Dela Cerna Du.. male Blue MASTER 36 Open Weight USA
Dilay Dela Cerna Du.. male Blue MASTER 36 Heavy USA
Ameku Makito male Black ADULT 18 Open Weight JPN
Ameku Makito male Black ADULT 18 Light JPN
Kato Norio male Purple MASTER 51 Open Weight JPN
Kato Norio male Purple MASTER 51 Light Feather JPN
Kurosawa Taishi male Blue ADULT 18 Feather JPN
Kurosawa Taishi male Blue ADULT 18 Open Weight JPN
Nakachi Yuu male Purple MASTER 36 Light Feather JPN

  axross jiu jitsu
Nakano Temma male Blue ADULT 18 Rooster JPN

  bjj house okinawa
Higa Moroni male Purple ADULT 18 Rooster JPN

Taira Kotaro male Blue ADULT 18 Light JPN

  carpe diem kurume
Takahashi Kento male Black MASTER 36 Light JPN
Kawano Seiya male Purple MASTER 36 Light Feather JPN

  carpe diem
Sakieda Hiromu male White MASTER 30 Middle JPN
Tatetsu Katsuhiro male Purple MASTER 41 Light JPN
Tawa Yusuke male White MASTER 30 Middle JPN

  carpediem okinawa
Anzai Aaron male Blue JUVENILE 16-17 Light JPN
Itokazu Daiki male White MASTER 41 Open Weight JPN
Itokazu Daiki male White MASTER 41 Light Feather JPN
Carter Taylor male Blue ADULT 18 Light Feather USA
Toguchi Yuta male White MASTER 30 Light JPN

  de la riva japan
Jeon Byeong male Purple MASTER 30 Open Weight KOR
Jeon Byeong male Purple MASTER 30 Medium Heavy KOR
Byung-kyu Kim male Blue MASTER 30 Feather KOR
Kyeongmun Kim male Blue MASTER 30 Heavy KOR
Lee Sungwoon male Black ADULT 18 Light KOR
Jun Yun male Purple ADULT 18 Middle KOR

  evox bjj
Miguel Kael male Blue JUVENILE 16-17 Super Heavy BRA
Miguel Kael male Blue JUVENILE 16-17 Open Weight BRA
Fugisawa Lenyn Yuji male White ADULT 18 Heavy BRA

  hiro brazilian jiu-jitsu academy yokohama
Yamamoto Hisashi male Blue MASTER 51 Feather JPN

  island bjj ishigaki
Kinjo Tomoya male White MASTER 41 Middle JPN
Kinjo Tomoya male White MASTER 41 Open Weight JPN

  ivan sakamoto bjj okinawa
Pires Alexandre male White MASTER 30 Light BRA
Pires Alexandre male White MASTER 30 Open Weight BRA
Self Joshua male White MASTER 30 Open Weight USA
Self Joshua male White MASTER 30 Super Heavy USA
Campos Mario male Purple MASTER 30 Open Weight JPN
Campos Mario male Purple MASTER 30 Medium Heavy JPN
Ojima Pedro male White MASTER 30 Open Weight BRA
Ojima Pedro male White MASTER 30 Feather BRA
Watanabe Rodrigo male Black MASTER 41 Open Weight BRA
Watanabe Rodrigo male Black MASTER 41 Heavy BRA

  kuro hata bjj okinawa
Tsuhako Cameron male White ADULT 18 Medium Heavy USA
Tsuhako Cameron male White ADULT 18 Open Weight USA
Oshiro Shunsuke male White ADULT 18 Feather JPN
Diaz Iii Ubarnel male White JUVENILE 16-17 Light USA

Sasaki Tatsunori male Purple MASTER 41 Light JPN

  moriniere martial arts academy (caveirinha jiu-jitsu family japan)
Hickle Cullen male White MASTER 30 Middle USA
Cooper Kelvonto male White MASTER 36 Medium Heavy USA
Garcia Iii Santos male Blue ADULT 18 Medium Heavy USA

  mybjj team japan
Tomori Takeji male Purple MASTER 51 Open Weight JPN
Tomori Takeji male Purple MASTER 51 Feather JPN

  oga dojo chiyoda
Morimoto Naoya male Purple MASTER 30 Light Feather JPN
Morimoto Naoya male Purple MASTER 30 Open Weight JPN

Rowland Lee male Brown ADULT 18 Open Weight USA
Rowland Lee male Brown ADULT 18 Medium Heavy USA

  pacific grappler dojo
Carv Abel male White MASTER 30 Open Weight USA
Carv Abel male White MASTER 30 Light USA
Eddington Collin male Black MASTER 30 Open Weight USA
Eddington Collin male Black MASTER 30 Ultra Heavy USA
Lindenmuth Jacob male White MASTER 36 Open Weight USA
Lindenmuth Jacob male White MASTER 36 Ultra Heavy USA
Roldan Joseph male White ADULT 18 Medium Heavy USA
Taylor Ronn male White MASTER 46 Open Weight USA
Taylor Ronn male White MASTER 46 Ultra Heavy USA

  pato studio
Pegoraro Saio Willi.. male Brown ADULT 18 Light BRA
Pegoraro Saio Willi.. male Brown ADULT 18 Open Weight BRA

  the black belt japan okinawa
Kuwae Chojiro male White MASTER 56 Middle JPN
Kuwae Chojiro male White MASTER 56 Open Weight JPN
Yasuki Higa male White MASTER 30 Super Heavy JPN
Inayama Kiyoaki male Blue MASTER 51 Light Feather JPN
Ikehara Motoki male Blue MASTER 51 Feather JPN
Soejima Ryo male White ADULT 18 Light JPN
Ota Ryuhei male White ADULT 18 Light JPN
Hirayama Shodai male Blue MASTER 36 Rooster JPN
Serikyaku Shogo male White ADULT 18 Feather JPN
Fujii Shoki male Blue ADULT 18 Open Weight JPN
Fujii Shoki male Blue ADULT 18 Heavy JPN
Sugio Yutaro male Purple MASTER 30 Open Weight JPN
Sugio Yutaro male Purple MASTER 30 Middle JPN
Yoshida Masaki male Blue MASTER 46 Middle JPN
Yoshida Masaki male Blue MASTER 46 Open Weight JPN

  the blackbelt japan
Serikyaku Yuuki male White ADULT 18 Light Feather JPN