Name Academy Belt Belt Grade Country
Alvin Aguilar Deftac Six Blades BLACK 3rd Degree Philippines, Republic of the
Chengda Wu Western District Jiu-jitsu BLACK China, People's Republic of
Edison Kagohara Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Japan BLACK 4th Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Everton Vilela Jaws Jiu-jitsu BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Fabio Iwase Nova União Helio Damiani BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Haruki Umemoto Vira-lata Jiu Jitsu BLACK Japan
Hidetomo Kawamura Alma Fight Gym Homies BLACK Japan
Hideyuki Itou Monster House BLACK Japan
Hideyuki Yamada Tri-force Ikebukuro BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Hiroaki Yoshioka Paraestra Izumi BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Hironobu Higuchi Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Sakado BLACK Japan
Ichiro Kaneko Shrapnel Jiu-jitsu Academy BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Jinho Park Gracie Allegiance Korea BLACK 1st Degree Korea, Republic of
Junpei Kawasaki All One Bjj BLACK Japan
Katsushi Sawada Nex BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Kazunori Tani Fukuzumi Jiu-jitsu BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Keiji Matsuzaki Justice Bjj BLACK Japan
Keita Takahashi Ueno Okachimachi Bjj BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Kentaro Sato Sato Dojo BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Kohei Nishibayashi Pato Studio BLACK Japan
Koichi Uhara Nr Jiu-jitsu BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Koji Shibamoto Tri-force Shinjuku BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Kyuhwan Choi Yuhon Bjj Academy BLACK Korea, Republic of
Marcos Takahisa Sato Tokai Bjj BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Michihiro Ohara Pogona Club Gym BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Mikio Oga Newaza World BLACK 4th Degree Japan
Mitsuyoshi Hayakawa Tri-force Ikebukuro BLACK 5th Degree Japan
Motokazu Kobayashi Hishojuku BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Osamu Mori Trydent Gym BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Rodrigo Nunes Alves Granola China Team BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Ryota Gomi X-treme Ebina BLACK Japan
Seita Horiuchi Carpe Diem Mie BLACK Japan
Shinkawa Takeshi Suita Jiu Jitsu BLACK 4th Degree Japan
Sho Toyama Evox Bjj BLACK Japan
Songpo Yuan Shbjj Academy BLACK China, People's Republic of
Takaoka Takahiro Trydent Gym BLACK Japan
Takayuki Kumachi Newaza World Sousa@guerreiro BLACK 1st Degree Japan
Takuya Ishibashi Our Space BLACK Japan
Tan Vinc Cicero Costha Singapore BLACK 1st Degree Singapore, Republic of
Thiago Kogake Base Bjj Osaka BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Tomari Kenshi Tri-force Hakata BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Tomohiro Ide Paraestra Fukuoka Ide Dojo BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Toshiyuki Nagahara Paraestra Izumi BLACK Japan
Wei Wang Gracie Barra China BLACK China, People's Republic of
Yuji Okamoto Rjj BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Yunlai Du Gracie Barra China BLACK 1st Degree China, People's Republic of
Yuu Takebayashi Boa Sorte Jiu Jitsu Academy BLACK Japan
Ademir Toshio Ohta Gracie Barra Fujinomiya BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Adilson Ferreira França Hon'nō Instinto BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Adriano Lima Masaoka Oda Jiu-jítsu BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Akihiro Kameda Fukuzumi Jiu-jitsu BLACK Japan
Akihisa Iwai Taisho Jiu Jitsu Academy BLACK 1st Degree Japan
Akihito Igusa Sakura Jiujitsu BLACK Japan
Akira Kibe Splash BLACK 4th Degree Japan
Alan Douglas Shinit Sato Tokai Bjj BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Alessandro Lopes Da Silva Tokai Bjj BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Alexander Dos Santos Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Japan BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Alexandre Tsutsui Team Tsutsui BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Alexandre Dos Santos Silva Tokai Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Alexsander Toshiro Sinelli Tokai Bjj BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Ali Abdulbasety Elezzabi Impacto Bjj China BLACK Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Alvin Lee Deftac Six Blades BLACK Philippines, Republic of the
Amaury Dionisio Lima Fernandes Base Bjj BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Anderson Fernandes Marques Tree Brazilian Jiu Jitsu BLACK 4th Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Anderson Kenji Sakamoto Tree Brazilian Jiu Jitsu BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Andre Do Carmo Oi Jaws Jiu-jitsu BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Andrew Thamay Yamane Da Silva Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Atushi Kudo Isja BLACK Japan
Benjamin Lloyd Moriniere Moriniere Martial Arts Academy (caveirinha Jiu-jitsu Family Japan) BLACK 2nd Degree United States of America
Bruno Barbosa Hikari Jiu-jitsu Team BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Bruno Raphael Ishi Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Carlos Kihara Batoré Team BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Carlos Ramalho Osako Oda Jiu-jítsu BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Carlos Toyota Carlos Toyota Bjj BLACK 4th Degree Japan
Carlos Idemar De Souza Trevisan Tokai Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Casimiro Suto Suto Academy Japan BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Celio Henrique Teles Brandao Tokai Bjj BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Chun Cheung Rcjj - Caporal BLACK Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China
Chunbo Yuan Over Limit Jiu Jitsu China BLACK China, People's Republic of
Clayton Diego Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Cristiano Ito Tokai Bjj BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Daisuke Nakamura Pato Studio BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Daniel David Adam Reid Catch Jiu Jitsu BLACK 1st Degree United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland
Daniel Kenji Tamura Tokai Bjj BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Daniel Kelson Pereira Base Bjj BLACK 4th Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
David Tojo Pereira Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Don Tongoy Villacin Tokai Bjj Philippines BLACK 1st Degree Philippines, Republic of the
Dongwoo Kim Alliance Korea BLACK Korea, Republic of
Edison Silva Carlos Toyota Bjj RED 9th Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Eduardo Egashira Base Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Edward Albert Cruz Reyes Project Lifestyle Manila BLACK Philippines, Republic of the
Eiji Sano Kyoto Newaza Club BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Elisangela Martins Tokai Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Emerson Azuma Carpediem Okinawa BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Emerson Noriaki Toda Evox Bjj BLACK 4th Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Ericson Takashi Watanabe Evox Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Everton Asao Batoré Team BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Fabiana Yamashiro Andrade Tokai Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Fabio Leoncio Tokai Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Fabio Minoro Fukai Tokai Bjj BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Fagner Kenji Yoshii Assami Tokai Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Felix Fabiano Francisco Friends Brazilian Jiu Jitsu BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Fernando Oyama Evox Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Fernando Carlos Fabiano Tokai Bjj BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Fernando Luiz Maioli Ogawa Jiu Jitsu BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Flavio Bueno Gracie Barra Shunyi China BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Flavio Seiti Tashiro Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Honjo BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Flávio Tanaka Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Francinildo Hashimoto Teixeira Katayama Jiu Jitsu BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Francisco Vicente Velasco Garcia Deftac Ribeiro BLACK 2nd Degree Philippines, Republic of the
Fumio Nakajima Tri-force Shinjuku BLACK Japan
Fábio Daniel Higa Tokai Bjj BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Gaku Inano Cute BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Glaucus Kawamoto Jaws Jiu-jitsu BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Guilherme Borin Tabata Tokai Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Guiyu Maeda Neto Tokai Bjj BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Gustavo Jovelho Takaki Tokai Bjj BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Helio Hatamoto Carlos Toyota Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Helton Hiroyuki Yamamoto Evox Bjj BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Henry Takumi Kobayashi Honor Jiu Jitsu Academy BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Hidemasa Fukuchi Paraestra Koga BLACK Japan
Hirokazu Takamoto Takamoto Dojo BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Hiroki Takahashi Miburo BLACK Japan
Hiroyuki Mizuno Visca BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Ho Yeung Chan Kylin Bjj BLACK Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China
Isabelle De Souza Mtk Fight Japan BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Ivan Sakamoto Ivan Sakamoto Bjj Okinawa BLACK 4th Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Jaehyun So (소재현) Somissions Jiu Jitsu BLACK 1st Degree Korea, Republic of
Jailton Da Cunha Carlos Toyota Bjj BLACK 5th Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Jander Shinnai Evox Bjj BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Jeffrey Liu Hsinchu B J J BLACK 3rd Degree United States of America
Joatão Alves De Moraes Tokai Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Joey Kawaling Lepiten Deftac Ribeiro BLACK Philippines, Republic of the
John Hon Jok Rcjj - Caporal BLACK Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China
Johnny Koiti Shimizo Tani Team BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Jorge Leite Ribeiro Neto Gfteam Invincible BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Jorge Takata Massato Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Jose Rafael Perez Yaptinchay Deftac Ribeiro BLACK Philippines, Republic of the
Jose Ricardo Dos Anjos Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Japan BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
José Carlos Hokama Katayama Jiu Jitsu BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
João Clovis Neto Checkmat China BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
João Gabriel Tomikawa Carlos Toyota Bjj BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
João Guilherme Turini Claro Tokai Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
João Paulo Tadashi Sekitani Sekitani Jiu Jitsu Academy BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Julio Massuno Ari Tokai Bjj BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Kai Wang Over Limit Jiu Jitsu China BLACK China, People's Republic of
Keldson Silva Carlos Toyota Bjj BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Kenichiro Kimura Kaeru-jiu-jitsu BLACK Japan
Kenji Nishimoto Mephose Jiujitsu Academy BLACK Japan
Kenneth Guelere Evox Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Kim Hyungcheul Atos Korea BLACK Korea, Republic of
King Lung Benny Mok Rcjj - Caporal BLACK Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China
Koji Nishimoto Newaza World Shizuoka BLACK 1st Degree Japan
Kong Xiaofeng United Power China BLACK China, People's Republic of
Kuniyoshi Hironaka Master Japan BLACK 4th Degree Japan
Leandro Kussano Kussano Team BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Leandro Kenji Okamoto Vanguard Jiu Jitsu Japan BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Leandro Minor Yamashita Jaws Jiu-jitsu BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Leandro Tsuguio Kishibe Evox Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Leandro Carvalho Da Silva Lineage Fadda China BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Leandro Kenji De Deus Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Liover Isuiza Ikeda Jaws Jiu-jitsu BLACK Peru, Republic of
Luciano Bezzera De Menezes Tokai Bjj BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Luciano Massahiko Yanase Tokai Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Luiz Carlos Hiroshi Tsukino Bjj Coach Jaws BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Luiz Henrique Okabe Gambeta Tokai Bjj BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Makoto Aramaki Master Japan Fukuoka BLACK 4th Degree Japan
Makoto Ikuta Trust Jiujitsu Academy BLACK 4th Degree Japan
Makoto Ogasawara Taiwan B J J BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Makoto Ono Splash BLACK Japan
Marcelo Andreoli Checkmat China BLACK 3rd Degree Italy, Italian Republic
Marcelo Valquirio Hamanaka Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Marcia Makiyama Cristo Evox Bjj BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Marcio Nakamura Shonan Brazilian Jiujitsu BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Marcio Mitsuo Kobayashi Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Marcos Oshiro Tokai Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Marcos Hideo Nakamura United Fighters Academy BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Marcus Masaharu Abe Hon'nō Instinto BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Mario Marcio Katayama Katayama Jiu Jitsu BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Masao Taba Cool Champ Club BLACK 4th Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Masayuki Matsui Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK Japan
Max Fernandes Robson Tokai Bjj BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Megumu Miura Suita Jiu Jitsu BLACK Japan
Mehdi Moradi Carlos Toyota Bjj BLACK 2nd Degree Iran, Islamic Republic of
Michael Leu Gft Taiwan BLACK Chinese Taipei
Miguel Murata Evox Bjj BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Miguel Salazar Tokai Bjj BLACK Bolivia, Republic of
Mike Souza Fujimoto Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Min Uk Park Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Korea BLACK Korea, Republic of
Min-ha Cha Alliance BLACK Korea, Republic of
Minoru Usui Sakura Jiujitsu BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Miura Seiji Over Limit Jiu Jitsu China BLACK Japan
Naomi Suzuki Team Kimura Japan BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Neil Tan Rcjj - Caporal BLACK United States of America
Nguyen Hoang Tho Vu Kimura Bjj Vietnam BLACK France, French Republic
Nilson Silva De Almeida Hon'nō Instinto BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Niti Techottiasnee Emac BLACK Thailand, Kingdom of
Nobuo Takenaka Suita Jiu Jitsu BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Ozeias Barbosa Bueno Jaws Jiu-jitsu BLACK 4th Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Pablo De Souza Dib Hon'nō Instinto BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Park Huicheol Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Korea BLACK Korea, Republic of
Park Jeongguen (박정근) Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Korea BLACK Korea, Republic of
Park Soocheol Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Korea BLACK 3rd Degree Korea, Republic of
Paulo De Sales Ferreira Bonsai Jiu-jitsu Japan BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Paulo Nishimoto Tokai Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Pedro Tomikawa Junior Carlos Toyota Bjj BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Philipe Alao Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Rafael Da Silva Aranha China BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Rafael Lima Guimarães Tree Brazilian Jiu Jitsu BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Ramil Lagasca Paraestra Koga BLACK Philippines, Republic of the
Ramon Jr Ng Deftac Six Blades BLACK 1st Degree Philippines, Republic of the
Rangel Rodrigues Rrt BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Raymond Yance Varilla Project Lifestyle Manila BLACK Philippines, Republic of the
Reginaldo Gabriel Vieira Tokai Bjj BLACK 4th Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Ricardo Satoshi Umezu Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Japan BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Roberto Younes Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Roberto Kunio Nacaya Tokai Bjj BLACK 4th Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Roberto Yukio Taqueushi Evox Bjj BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Robson De Oliveira Oda Oda Jiu-jítsu BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Rodolfo Kikuchi Do Nascimento Tokai Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Rodrigo Iqueda Evox Bjj BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Rodrigo Monteiro De Almeida Tokai Bjj BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Rodrigo Sumikawa Evox Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Rodrigo De Souza Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Rodrigo Jun Hirakawa Tokai Bjj BLACK 4th Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Rogerio Cristo Evox Bjj BLACK 4th Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Rogerio Suto Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK 4th Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Rogério Miyoshi Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Japan BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Romulo Tanaka Evox Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Ronaldo Aparecido De Medeiros Tagawa Tree Brazilian Jiu Jitsu BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Roney De Oliveira Yoneda Tokai Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Ryodi Kubo Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Japan BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Ryozo Murata Yawara BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Sangsu Lee Jiu-jitsu Gym Trinity BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Saori Shibamoto Tri-force Ikebukuro BLACK 1st Degree Japan
Sergio Mendes Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Japan BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Shinji Shoyama Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Sapporo BLACK Japan
Shinsuke Fukuzumi Fukuzumi Jiu-jitsu BLACK 5th Degree Japan
Shinya Kakita Synergy Bjj Mma Academy BLACK Japan
Sival Taquita Filho Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Japan BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Sungmin Cho Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Korea BLACK 3rd Degree Korea, Republic of
Sérgio Sokichi Hara Da Cunha Carlos Toyota Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Tabata Yusuke Paraestra Moriya BLACK 1st Degree Japan
Takaaki Okamoto Tri-force Odawara BLACK 1st Degree Japan
Takao Tani Tani Team BLACK 6th Degree Japan
Takashi Nohara Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK 1st Degree Japan
Takashi Ouchi Paraestra Koiwa BLACK 4th Degree Japan
Takayuki Koyama Fukuzumi Jiu-jitsu BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Takeshi Fujii Tokai Bjj BLACK 3rd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Takeshi Matsumura Bjj Academy Nobushi BLACK Japan
Tatsuya Onose Reversal Gym Kawaguchi Redips BLACK 4th Degree Japan
Teruyuki Okuda X-treme Jiu Jitsu Academy BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Tetsuhiro Yanagisawa X-treme Ebina BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Thiago Adam Checkmat China BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Thiago Felipe Hatada Ultimate Jiujitsu Club BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Tomoyuki Suda Scorpion Gym BLACK 1st Degree Japan
Tony Yamada Carlos Toyota Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Tuyoshi Tani Bjj Core Japan BLACK 5th Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Valter Hideki Ueno Tree Brazilian Jiu Jitsu BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Vanessa Tiemi Saiki Friends Brazilian Jiu Jitsu BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Viviane Yoko Aragão Katakura Evox Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Wandson Nishimura Bailão Friends Brazilian Jiu Jitsu BLACK 2nd Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Wang Xiaoming (王小明) Artist Mma Academy BLACK China, People's Republic of
Wilson Tadashi Karakawa Tree Brazilian Jiu Jitsu BLACK 1st Degree Brazil, Federative Republic of
Yasuhiro Miyamoto Jiusenkan BLACK 1st Degree Japan
Yasunari Nakajima Gymnasion Sapporo BLACK Japan
Yasuo Tanaka Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
Yoji Tsurumaki Axis BLACK Japan
Yongwon Choi (최용원) Wire Jiu Jitsu BLACK 2nd Degree Korea, Republic of
Yoo Jinan Atos Korea BLACK Korea, Republic of
Yoshihiro Yamada Holoimua BLACK 3rd Degree Japan
Yoshinori Tsunetomi Scorpion Gym BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Yosuke Nakamura Dragon's Den BLACK Japan
Yuji Arai Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Japan BLACK 1st Degree Japan
Yujiro Nakamura Rrt BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
Zhang Ning Over Limit Jiu Jitsu China BLACK 1st Degree China, People's Republic of
Zhao Chen Over Limit Jiu Jitsu China BLACK 1st Degree China, People's Republic of
タヒラ シントラ ルカス Evox Bjj BLACK Brazil, Federative Republic of
伸大 澤田 Tri-force Ikebukuro BLACK 1st Degree Japan
佳弘 小澤 Newaza World Gt-base BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
俊彦 高橋 Paraestra Kichijoji BLACK Japan
俊明 長谷川 X-treme Jiu Jitsu Academy BLACK Japan
健太郎 渡部 Evox Bjj BLACK 1st Degree Japan
優 早川 Evox Bjj BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
充浩 岩見 Shuhari Jiu Jitsu BLACK 1st Degree Japan
光照 中條 Hiro Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Academy Yokohama BLACK Japan
光輝 安村 Paraestra Koga BLACK Japan
公浩 広瀬 Futawa Jiu Jitsu BLACK Japan
司 宮尾 Newaza World BLACK 1st Degree Japan
大輔 中川 Miburo BLACK Japan
子民 张 Energy Mma Club BLACK China, People's Republic of
宇星 熊 Artist Mma Academy BLACK 1st Degree China, People's Republic of
宗光 山脇 Suita Jiu Jitsu BLACK Japan
巧 中山 Paraestra Osaka BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
康二郎 林 Paraestra Izumi BLACK Japan
康史 大久保 Philoktetes BLACK Japan
後藤 貴史 Alma Fight Gym Homies BLACK 1st Degree Japan
徹 進藤 Ootakanomori Jiujitsu Club BLACK Japan
恩良 许 Artist Mma Academy BLACK China, People's Republic of
明広 澁谷 Hiro Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Academy Yokohama BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
昭二 野平 Paraestra Nakayoshi BLACK Japan
智 福丸 Reflection Bjj BLACK Japan
武一 原口 Wajitsu Keishukai Gunma BLACK 1st Degree Japan
武士 濱野 Pogona Club Gym BLACK 1st Degree Japan
洋介 小林 Axis BLACK Japan
淳 平田 Ragnarok Jiu-jitsu BLACK Japan
淳一郎 和田 Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK 1st Degree Japan
清人 株田 Newaza World BLACK Japan
玥 沈 Bonny Jiu-jitsu BLACK China, People's Republic of
理 増田 Paraestra Tokyo BLACK Japan
皇輝 梅田 Newaza World Sakurajima BLACK Japan
祐亮 物河 X-treme Jiu Jitsu Academy BLACK 1st Degree Japan
秀行 川本 Tri-force Osaka BLACK 1st Degree Japan
竜彦 西坂 Fact Mma BLACK Japan
純也 中村 Impacto Bjj Japan BLACK Japan
義和 東 Takatsuki Jiu Jitsu BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
義和 石黒 Evox Bjj BLACK Japan
聡 高谷 Paraestra Kichijoji BLACK 2nd Degree Japan
裕一郎 水洗 X-treme Jiu Jitsu Academy BLACK Japan
裕基 大輪 Carpe Diem Kimitsu BLACK 1st Degree Japan
誠 金子 X-treme Ebina BLACK Japan
轶 袁 Equilibrium Mma BLACK China, People's Republic of
陽介 長井 Katana Gym BLACK Japan
雅士 中野 Mars Jiu Jitsu Club Nakano Dojo BLACK 2nd Degree Japan