Event Info
The SJJIF is proud to announce the 2025 World Special Jiu-Jitsu Championship held at the Chiba Port Arena. In Chiba, Japan on September 18th & 21st 2025
Registration Information:
*Registration deadline: September 1st, 2025
*Athlete correction deadline: September 3rd, 2025
*Day to request cancel registration and refund : September 10th, 2025
(we only refund those athletes with no opponents in their division)
*Registration checkday: September 4th, 2025
*Organizer´s correction day: September 7th, 2025
*Schedule release date: September 16th, 2025
*Brackets release date: September 16th, 2025
Participation in the World Special Jiu-Jitsu Championship competition is restricted to athletes that meet the Special Jiu-Jitsu Classifications
Intellectual disability (ID) is a term used to describe a person with certain limitations in cognitive functioning and other skills, including communication and self-care. These limitations can cause a child to develop and learn more slowly or differently. Intellectual disability is the most common developmental disability.
The Special Jiu-Jitsu offers sport opportunities for athletes that have an intellectual disability that belongs to one of the following types identified below:
1. Fragile X Syndrome: Fragile X is a genetic condition that affects a person’s development, especially behavior and the ability to learn. In addition, Fragile X can affect communication skills, physical appearance and sensitivity to noise, light, or similar stimulus. Fragile X is the most common form of inherited intellectual and developmental disability.
2. Down Syndrome: Down syndrome describes a set of cognitive and physical symptoms that result from having an extra copy or part of a copy of chromosome 21. Down syndrome is the most frequent chromosomal cause of mild to moderate intellectual disability, and occurs in all ethnic and economic groups.
3. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Autism Spectrum Disorder (known as ASD or, more generally, autism) is a complex neurological and developmental condition that affects how a person learns, communicates and interacts with others. Different people with autism can have different symptoms, which is why it's known as a "spectrum" disorder. Autism affects the structure and function of the brain and nervous system.
4. Other Intellectual Disabilities: There are many other types of intellectual disabilities - - some have known causes, while others remain unknown. Some happen before birth, such as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Apert Syndrome; others happen as a baby is being born or soon after birth. Other causes of intellectual disability occur when a child is older; these might include serious head injury, stroke, or certain infections. Source:http://www.specialolympics.org/Sections/Who_We_Are/About_Intellectual_Disabilities.aspx
This event will run under the SJJIF Rules & Regulations http://files.sjjif.com/public/assets/2018%20SJJIF%20Rulebook.pdf as well as the SJJIF Adapted Special Jiu-Jitsu Rules https://files.sjjif.com/public/assets/Special%20Jiu-Jitsu_Adapted%20Jiu-Jitsu%20Rules.pdf
SJJIF reserves the right to close registration when full capacity is reached or on September 1st, 2025, whichever comes first. Make sure to register early and secure your spot.
The SJJIF has strict Uniform policies which will be enforced at the SJJIF World Championship, make sure to review the policy.