Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Association
Over Limit Jiu Jitsu Association

Asia Jiu Jitsu Ranking 2022
Adult Ranking
Kids Ranking


Event Points Gold Silver Bronze
Sapporo Winter Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 98.10 5 6 7
izumi kayoko female white master 3 rooster 10.50 GOLD
sakai kazuma male blue master 1 light 4.95 SILVER
fujisawa keita male white master 1 open light 4.95 SILVER
miyata kentaro male blue master 1 light feather 1.65 BRONZ
miyata kentaro male blue master 1 open light 5.40 SILVER
yanase koutarou male blue master 1 light 1.65 BRONZ
furukawa norihisa male white adult light 1.65 BRONZ
goto rieko female white master 2 light feather 1.65 BRONZ
kawakami rikako female white master 2 open light 10.50 GOLD
shindo ryota male white adult light feather 4.95 SILVER
sakai ryouhei male white adult light feather 1.65 BRONZ
noya shinpei male blue master 1 light feather 11.55 GOLD
noya shinpei male blue master 1 open light 12.60 GOLD
yano taiga male blue master 1 feather 4.95 SILVER
watanabe takashi male blue master 4 feather 4.50 SILVER
nakamura tomoyuki male blue master 2 open light 1.65 BRONZ
nakamura tomoyuki male blue master 2 feather 11.55 GOLD
sekimoto yuki male white adult feather 1.80 BRONZ
Tokyo Spring Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 16.80 1 1 1
kagohara edison male black master 5 light 10.50 GOLD
kagohara edison male black master 5 open weight 4.50 SILVER
cordero franco male white adult feather 1.80 BRONZ
Sjjjf Japanese Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 127.20 5 8 0
nakadate aiki male white adult middle 15.40 GOLD
sugahara akira male white adult light 6.00 SILVER
ueda daisuke male blue master 3 light 6.00 SILVER
ueda daisuke male blue master 3 open weight 6.60 SILVER
fujisawa keita male white adult light feather 15.40 GOLD
takahasi kouga male blue adult feather 15.40 GOLD
ichigi naoto male white master 2 light feather 7.20 SILVER
yaginuma paulo male black adult open weight 6.00 SILVER
nojima shigeaki male blue master 2 light feather 6.60 SILVER
watanabe shin male white adult rooster 6.60 SILVER
kojima yuji male white adult open weight 14.00 GOLD
kojima yuji male white adult middle 6.60 SILVER
hara yuuki male blue master 2 light feather 15.40 GOLD
Xixcopa Dumau De Jiu Jitsu 2022 31.30 3 3 0
santos alexander dos male black master 4 heavy 3.30 SILVER
kagohara edison male black master 5 light 7.00 GOLD
kagohara edison male black master 5 open weight 3.00 SILVER
masataka ishikawa male white master 3 open weight 3.30 SILVER
masataka ishikawa male white master 2 light 7.00 GOLD
nehashi taiki male white master 3 feather 7.70 GOLD
Kyushu International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 14.00 1 0 0
kagohara edison male black master 5 light 14.00 GOLD
East Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 21.40 1 1 0
hisanori kotani male brown master 5 feather 15.40 GOLD
matsusaka rio male purple master 1 light feather 6.00 SILVER
Okinawa Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 46.80 1 5 1
fujisawa keita male blue master 1 light feather 6.00 SILVER
furukawa norihisa male white master 2 light 6.00 SILVER
kawakami rikako female blue master 3 open weight 14.00 GOLD
kawakami rikako female blue master 1 feather 6.00 SILVER
nojima shigeaki male blue master 2 rooster 6.00 SILVER
hamada shinsuke male brown master 1 light feather 6.60 SILVER
kitamura shunta male white master 1 ultra heavy 2.20 BRONZ
Tokyo Summer Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 47.25 3 1 3
tabei anna female white master 1 open weight 10.50 GOLD
cordero franco male white adult light 5.40 SILVER
matsuki henrique male white adult open weight 1.80 BRONZ
suzuki kenshin male white master 1 feather 1.65 BRONZ
takagi naoaki male purple master 4 light 1.65 BRONZ
sanzen toa male white adult light feather 14.70 GOLD
hara yuuki male blue master 2 light feather 11.55 GOLD
Sjjjf 5th All Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 115.20 2 6 4
teramoto egberto male white master 3 light 23.10 GOLD
yoshikawa kotaro male white master 3 rooster 9.00 SILVER
sakonji masataka male blue master 2 open weight 3.30 BRONZ
yaginuma paulo male black master 1 open weight 9.00 SILVER
yaginuma paulo male black adult feather 9.90 SILVER
kawakami rikako female blue master 3 feather 9.90 SILVER
nojima shigeaki male blue master 2 rooster 3.30 BRONZ
nakamura tomoyuki male blue master 2 feather 3.30 BRONZ
agawa yuki male white master 1 middle 9.00 SILVER
kamino yuki male white master 1 rooster 3.30 BRONZ
maeno yuko female blue adult rooster 9.00 SILVER
maeno yusuke male purple master 2 rooster 23.10 GOLD
Sjjcf Jinan Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 74.80 6 7 5
tian aijing female white adult feather 8.40 GOLD
yang chen male blue adult light feather 7.70 GOLD
huang hao male white adult middle 3.30 SILVER
wong hongyu male blue adult medium heavy 1.10 BRONZ
wang kai male black master 2 light 3.00 SILVER
zhang liyuan male white adult rooster 1.10 BRONZ
xu qingxin male blue master 1 open weight 7.70 GOLD
li shuai female white master 1 open weight 1.10 BRONZ
li shuai female white master 1 light 3.00 SILVER
zhang weibo male white juvenile open weight 7.00 GOLD
dong weibo male white master 1 feather 3.00 SILVER
xing xiaowen male brown master 2 light 1.10 BRONZ
xing xiaowen male brown master 2 open weight 3.30 SILVER
zhang xinyu female white juvenile open weight 3.00 SILVER
liu yi male white adult open weight 4.50 SILVER
liu yi male white adult light feather 8.40 GOLD
zhao yizhuo male white juvenile light 7.00 GOLD
li yong male blue master 1 open weight 1.10 BRONZ
Manila International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 125.90 10 13 5
mondigo althea female blue adult light feather 7.70 GOLD
jalbuena denise female white adult rooster 3.30 SILVER
miala dominic male blue master 1 open weight 3.30 SILVER
miala dominic male blue master 1 medium heavy 3.30 SILVER
mondigo ethan jhay male white juvenile middle 7.70 GOLD
canturias ferchide male blue master 2 light 7.70 GOLD
canturias ferchide male blue master 2 open weight 3.60 SILVER
baitan frigga female white adult light feather 1.10 BRONZ
codera geneva female white master 1 light 3.00 SILVER
canuto hana female white adult middle 3.00 SILVER
camancho joan female white master 1 rooster 7.00 GOLD
camancho joan female white adult rooster 7.70 GOLD
cano john ashley male white adult feather 3.60 SILVER
llamado jon benedict male white adult medium heavy 3.00 SILVER
martinez jose male white master 1 medium heavy 3.30 SILVER
baxter justin male white master 1 medium heavy 7.70 GOLD
uy karl male blue master 2 feather 7.70 GOLD
garcia katherine female white master 1 heavy 3.30 SILVER
garcia katherine female white master 1 open weight 1.10 BRONZ
nobleza suarnaba ma.. male blue master 3 open weight 3.30 SILVER
bacatan princess lo.. female blue adult rooster 3.30 SILVER
bacatan princess lo.. female blue adult open weight 8.40 GOLD
samson redgie male purple master 2 light 1.10 BRONZ
castillo seth male white adult middle 1.10 BRONZ
yap shary male white master 3 light feather 3.30 SILVER
osimco vincent male blue master 2 middle 7.70 GOLD
osimco vincent male blue master 2 open weight 8.40 GOLD
olidar wendy male blue adult feather 1.20 BRONZ
Nanjing Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 128.00 12 7 5
ji an male blue master 2 open weight 8.40 GOLD
ji an male blue master 2 light 7.00 GOLD
qikai chen male blue adult open weight 10.50 GOLD
qikai chen male blue adult light 8.40 GOLD
ye chengcheng male white adult rooster 3.00 SILVER
sun cong female blue adult light feather 7.00 GOLD
yao fei male white adult light feather 8.40 GOLD
xi guohao male blue adult feather 3.60 SILVER
wong hongyu male blue adult middle 1.10 BRONZ
piao jin female white adult light feather 3.60 SILVER
lu kezhuang male blue master 2 light feather 7.70 GOLD
xu qingxin male blue master 1 middle 3.30 SILVER
xu qingxin male blue master 1 open weight 1.10 BRONZ
kou ruigang male white adult light 3.60 SILVER
ji tongcheng male white master 1 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
cui tongle male blue adult light 1.20 BRONZ
liu wei male white adult medium heavy 3.30 SILVER
ma wenzhe male white adult open weight 10.50 GOLD
ma wenzhe male white adult super heavy 7.70 GOLD
wu xiaoxiang male blue master 1 open weight 3.30 SILVER
wu xiaoxiang male blue master 1 middle 7.70 GOLD
dong yu female white adult light feather 1.10 BRONZ
zhu yunbo male white adult medium heavy 7.70 GOLD
cheng zhiheng male white master 1 medium heavy 7.70 GOLD
The 2nd Reversal Jiu Jitsu Cup 2022 In Sapporo 185.10 18 11 10
sugahara akira male white master 1 rooster 3.30 SILVER
ii asako female white master 3 rooster 7.00 GOLD
coleman candace female white adult feather 7.00 GOLD
tanabe daigo male white master 1 light 3.30 SILVER
watanabe daiki male blue adult light feather 1.10 BRONZ
rho eul female white master 1 light feather 7.70 GOLD
nanao hirohisa male white master 4 light feather 3.30 SILVER
fujino hirokazu male white master 1 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
sato hiroki male white master 2 open weight 3.30 SILVER
kondo kazuma male white master 3 light 3.30 SILVER
kondo kazuma male white master 3 open weight 7.70 GOLD
tanaka keisuke male white master 1 light feather 7.70 GOLD
miyata kentaro male blue master 1 light feather 8.40 GOLD
miyata kentaro male blue master 1 open weight 3.30 SILVER
takahashi kota male blue adult light 3.30 SILVER
katsu masahiro male white master 4 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
hirase masao male white master 4 light 1.10 BRONZ
minabe masataka male white master 1 light 1.10 BRONZ
sakonji masataka male blue master 2 light 1.10 BRONZ
aida masatoshi male blue master 3 light 1.10 BRONZ
ichigi naoto male white master 1 rooster 7.70 GOLD
furukawa norihisa male white master 2 open weight 7.70 GOLD
furukawa norihisa male white master 2 light 7.00 GOLD
akaishi ren male blue adult light feather 3.30 SILVER
kawakami rikako female blue master 3 feather 3.00 SILVER
araki riku male white master 1 feather 1.20 BRONZ
mo ronny male purple master 2 open weight 7.70 GOLD
kudo ruize male blue master 3 feather 1.10 BRONZ
makoto saito male white master 3 light 7.70 GOLD
watanabd takashi male blue master 4 light 7.70 GOLD
usui takayuki male blue master 4 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
kumon takuma male white master 3 light feather 7.70 GOLD
nakamura tomoyuki male blue master 2 open weight 8.40 GOLD
nakamura tomoyuki male blue master 2 feather 7.70 GOLD
oogiya toru male blue master 3 rooster 3.00 SILVER
sato tsukumo male purple master 1 feather 3.00 SILVER
sekimoto yuki male white adult feather 7.70 GOLD
sekimoto yuki male white adult open weight 8.40 GOLD
kouno yuuya male white master 2 feather 7.70 GOLD
Asjjf Asian Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 98.00 0 4 6
santos alexander dos male black master 4 light 5.50 BRONZ
mondigo althea female blue adult feather 15.00 SILVER
kurokawa ayano female purple adult rooster 15.00 SILVER
masataka ishikawa male white master 3 open weight 6.00 BRONZ
masataka ishikawa male white master 3 light 18.00 SILVER
mondigo jason male black master 4 feather 16.50 SILVER
camancho joan female blue master 1 rooster 5.50 BRONZ
ibarra jorge male blue master 1 middle 5.50 BRONZ
hubahib paul christ.. male purple master 1 light feather 5.50 BRONZ
yamasita yuuki male white juvenile feather 5.50 BRONZ
India International Open Jiu Jitsu Tournament 2022 4.50 0 1 1
cho sungmin male black adult open weight 1.20 BRONZ
cho sungmin male black master 3 middle 3.30 SILVER


Event Points Gold Silver Bronze
Sapporo Winter Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 4.95 0 1 0
murata juzo male gray pre teen medium heavy 4.95 SILVER
Sjjjf Kids Jiu Jitsu Tournament 2022 19.60 1 4 0
okamoto aito male white pre teen light 3.30 SILVER
suzuki daiki male gray kindergarten feather 7.00 GOLD
murata juzo male gray pre teen middle 3.30 SILVER
suzuki mamoru male orange pre teen light feather 3.00 SILVER
ikeda ryosei male gray youth feather 3.00 SILVER
Sjjcf Jinan Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 26.30 2 4 0
li guangkun female yellow teen light feather 7.00 GOLD
jia haoran male white youth feather 3.00 SILVER
zheng qiaoyu female white kindergarten rooster 7.00 GOLD
song tianyu male white pre teen feather 3.00 SILVER
lu wangshu female yellow pre teen light 3.30 SILVER
zheng yuze male white teen middle 3.00 SILVER
West Japan Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 2.20 0 0 1
murata juzo male yellow pre teen medium heavy 2.20 BRONZ
Manila International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 18.00 2 1 0
relatorres aerl male white pre teen light 7.00 GOLD
uy kendrew rhoel male yellow teen medium heavy 7.70 GOLD
quinanola pauric ai.. male white teen light 3.30 SILVER
The 2nd Reversal Jiu Jitsu Cup 2022 In Sapporo 22.40 2 2 1
okuhara aika female gray teen light feather 7.00 GOLD
bourdet bastien male yellow teen light 3.00 SILVER
murata juzo male gray pre teen middle 3.60 SILVER
whittorn kaine male gray pre teen middle 7.70 GOLD
okada kosei male gray junior teen light 1.10 BRONZ
Asjjf Asian Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2022 16.50 0 1 0
mondigo ethan jhay male yellow teen middle 16.50 SILVER