Sekitani Jiu Jitsu Academy
Sekitani Jiu Jitsu Academy

Japan Jiu Jitsu Ranking 2023
Adult Ranking
Kids Ranking


Event Points Gold Silver Bronze
Xx Copa Dumau De Jiu Jitsu 2023 94.30 9 5 9
kudo alan male blue adult light feather 1.10 BRONZ
haseyama felipe male white adult rooster 1.10 BRONZ
haseyama felipe male white adult open weight 1.10 BRONZ
shinya fernanda female white master 3 open weight 7.00 GOLD
shinya fernanda female white master 3 light 7.00 GOLD
gouvêa juliana araú.. female white adult heavy 7.00 GOLD
gouvêa juliana araú.. female white master 2 open weight 7.00 GOLD
yonemura karen limi female white juvenile open weight 3.30 SILVER
yonemura karen limi female white adult light feather 7.00 GOLD
ytokazu kosei male blue adult light feather 1.10 BRONZ
yonemura matheus hi.. male white adult heavy 1.10 BRONZ
yonemura matheus hi.. male white juvenile open weight 3.30 SILVER
ytokazu naoki male blue adult open weight 4.20 SILVER
ytokazu naoki male blue adult feather 3.30 SILVER
sekitani nicolly female blue juvenile light feather 7.70 GOLD
sekitani nicolly female blue adult open weight 1.10 BRONZ
shimabukuro rodrigo male blue juvenile open weight 1.10 BRONZ
shimabukuro rodrigo male blue juvenile light 1.10 BRONZ
muramatsu rodrigo j.. male white adult heavy 7.70 GOLD
muramatsu rodrigo j.. male white master 4 open weight 3.00 SILVER
diogo tokunaga male blue adult open weight 1.20 BRONZ
mitsuo tsukayama male blue adult open weight 9.80 GOLD
mitsuo tsukayama male blue adult heavy 7.00 GOLD
Marianas Pro Japan 2023 20.20 2 1 1
tsukayama mitsuo male blue adult middle 1.20 BRONZ
sekitani nicolly female blue juvenile open weight 7.70 GOLD
sekitani nicolly female blue juvenile feather 7.70 GOLD
diogo tokunaga male blue adult light 3.60 SILVER
Sjjjf 6th All Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 87.30 3 0 4
sekitani aika female blue adult light feather 25.20 GOLD
ochi alem male white adult open weight 4.20 BRONZ
haseyama felipe male white adult rooster 3.30 BRONZ
yamamoto takehisa male white master 3 middle 23.10 GOLD
yamamoto takehisa male white master 5 open weight 23.10 GOLD
diogo tokunaga male blue adult feather 4.20 BRONZ
naoki ytokazu male blue adult light feather 4.20 BRONZ
All Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship Pre Koshien - Koshien 2023 9.00 0 1 0
muto takumi male white juvenile light 9.00 SILVER
West Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 79.20 5 0 1
haseyama felipe male white adult open weight 16.80 GOLD
ytokazu kosei male blue adult light feather 2.20 BRONZ
tsukayama mitsuo male blue adult middle 14.00 GOLD
sekitani nicolly female blue adult open weight 15.40 GOLD
sekitani nicolly female blue adult light feather 14.00 GOLD
diogo tokunaga male blue adult light 16.80 GOLD
Asjjf Asian Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 291.50 4 7 5
shinya fernanda female white master 1 open weight 5.50 BRONZ
shinya fernanda female white master 1 middle 15.00 SILVER
ventura hiroshi male white juvenile open weight 5.50 BRONZ
ytokazu kosei male blue adult rooster 16.50 SILVER
sekitani nicolly female blue juvenile feather 35.00 GOLD
sekitani nicolly female blue juvenile open weight 35.00 GOLD
muramatsu rodrigo j.. male white master 4 open weight 38.50 GOLD
muramatsu rodrigo j.. male white master 4 medium heavy 38.50 GOLD
cavalcanti samara female white juvenile open weight 15.00 SILVER
cavalcanti samara female white juvenile light feather 16.50 SILVER
yamamoto takehisa male blue master 4 middle 5.50 BRONZ
muto takumi male white juvenile feather 5.50 BRONZ
breno taniguthi male brown master 3 feather 15.00 SILVER
breno taniguthi male brown master 1 open weight 16.50 SILVER
diogo tokunaga male blue adult feather 7.00 BRONZ
naoki ytokazu male blue adult light feather 21.00 SILVER
Kanto Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 57.80 3 2 0
sekitani nicolly female blue juvenile feather 14.00 GOLD
sekitani nicolly female blue juvenile open weight 14.00 GOLD
diogo tokunaga male blue adult feather 7.20 SILVER
diogo tokunaga male blue adult open weight 7.20 SILVER
naoki ytokazu male blue adult light feather 15.40 GOLD
Tokyo Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 26.50 3 1 1
ytokazu kosei male blue adult light feather 1.20 BRONZ
sekitani nicolly female blue juvenile open weight 7.00 GOLD
sekitani nicolly female blue adult light feather 7.00 GOLD
diogo tokunaga male blue adult open weight 3.60 SILVER
naoki ytokazu male blue adult light feather 7.70 GOLD
Dumau International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 60.50 7 1 3
sekitani nicolly female blue juvenile light 7.70 GOLD
sekitani nicolly female blue adult open weight 7.70 GOLD
matsui takashi male blue master 4 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
yamamoto takehisa male blue master 4 open weight 7.70 GOLD
yamamoto takehisa male blue master 3 middle 7.70 GOLD
muto takumi male white juvenile open weight 1.10 BRONZ
muto takumi male white juvenile feather 3.00 SILVER
breno taniguthi male brown master 3 light 7.70 GOLD
diogo tokunaga male blue adult feather 7.70 GOLD
naoki ytokazu male blue adult light feather 7.70 GOLD
naoki ytokazu male blue adult open weight 1.40 BRONZ
Kita Kanto Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 45.80 3 0 1
sekitani nicolly female blue juvenile middle 14.00 GOLD
sekitani nicolly female blue adult open weight 14.00 GOLD
diogo tokunaga male blue adult middle 15.40 GOLD
diogo tokunaga male blue adult open weight 2.40 BRONZ
The King Of The Island Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 24.30 3 0 1
sekitani nicolly female blue adult feather 7.70 GOLD
sekitani nicolly female blue adult open weight 7.70 GOLD
diogo tokunaga male blue adult light 7.70 GOLD
diogo tokunaga male blue adult open weight 1.20 BRONZ
Central Japan Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 17.60 0 2 2
muto takumi male white juvenile feather 6.00 SILVER
muto takumi male white juvenile open weight 2.20 BRONZ
diogo tokunaga male blue adult open weight 2.20 BRONZ
diogo tokunaga male blue adult feather 7.20 SILVER
Nagoya International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 55.70 5 3 4
ochi alem male white adult open weight 1.20 BRONZ
ochi alem male white adult feather 9.80 GOLD
haseyama felipe male white adult rooster 1.20 BRONZ
ytokazu kosei male blue adult open weight 1.20 BRONZ
ytokazu kosei male blue adult light feather 8.40 GOLD
sekitani nicolly female blue juvenile light 7.00 GOLD
sekitani nicolly female blue adult open weight 3.60 SILVER
yamamoto takehisa male blue master 4 open weight 7.00 GOLD
yamamoto takehisa male blue master 4 middle 7.70 GOLD
diogo tokunaga male blue adult open weight 1.40 BRONZ
diogo tokunaga male blue adult feather 3.60 SILVER
naoki ytokazu male blue adult light feather 3.60 SILVER


Event Points Gold Silver Bronze
Xx Copa Dumau De Jiu Jitsu 2023 24.70 2 1 6
cavalcante alison male orange teen feather 1.10 BRONZ
cavalcante arthur male yellow junior teen light feather 7.00 GOLD
shioda jiuly shinya female gray pre teen medium heavy 7.70 GOLD
nojima kaira male gray pre teen middle 3.30 SILVER
kobayashi kelvin yu.. male white junior teen light feather 1.10 BRONZ
sardinha luan gabri.. male gray youth feather 1.10 BRONZ
sardinha pedro henr.. male gray pre teen light 1.20 BRONZ
nojima sora male gray pre teen middle 1.10 BRONZ
suetake yukio linco.. male yellow pre teen light feather 1.10 BRONZ
All Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship Pre Koshien - Koshien 2023 56.40 2 1 1
inuzuka hiroto male white pre teen ultra heavy 21.00 GOLD
nojima kaira male gray pre teen medium heavy 3.30 BRONZ
itoh shunki male white junior teen medium heavy 23.10 GOLD
fukuyama sophia female orange teen medium heavy 9.00 SILVER
Asjjf Asian Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 84.50 2 0 2
cavalcante alison male orange teen middle 35.00 GOLD
cavalcante arthur male yellow junior teen light feather 5.50 BRONZ
shioda jiuly shinya female gray pre teen heavy 38.50 GOLD
suetake yukio linco.. male yellow pre teen light feather 5.50 BRONZ
Kanto Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 6.00 0 1 0
sekitani allisy female orange junior teen feather 6.00 SILVER
Dumau International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 40.50 4 3 2
cavalcante alison male orange junior teen super heavy 7.00 GOLD
sekitani allisy female orange junior teen light feather 3.30 SILVER
cavalcante arthur male yellow junior teen feather 7.70 GOLD
inuzuka hiroto male white pre teen ultra heavy 7.00 GOLD
nojima kaira male gray youth super heavy 7.00 GOLD
itoh natsuki female white youth light 1.10 BRONZ
itoh riki male white pre teen medium heavy 3.00 SILVER
itoh shunki male white junior teen super heavy 3.30 SILVER
suetake yukio linco.. male yellow pre teen light feather 1.10 BRONZ
Central Japan Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 23.00 0 3 2
nojima kaira male gray pre teen heavy 6.00 SILVER
akira kosei male white junior teen medium heavy 6.60 SILVER
itoh natsuki female white pre teen feather 2.20 BRONZ
itoh riki male white pre teen middle 6.00 SILVER
itoh shunki male white teen middle 2.20 BRONZ