
Asia Jiu Jitsu Ranking 2023
Adult Ranking
Kids Ranking


Event Points Gold Silver Bronze
The 1st Reversal Jiu Jitsu Cup 2023 In Fukuoka 29.40 3 1 3
nojima shigeaki male blue master 2 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
watanabe shin male white adult rooster 3.60 SILVER
tateishi shuya male white adult light 1.20 BRONZ
miki yoshiyasu male blue master 1 super heavy 1.10 BRONZ
miki yoshiyasu male blue master 1 open weight 7.70 GOLD
nakayama yuka female blue master 1 light 7.00 GOLD
nakayama yuka female blue master 1 open weight 7.70 GOLD
Cebu International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 13.00 1 1 1
takinishi kisei male white master 1 light 7.70 GOLD
muto satoshi male white adult rooster 1.10 BRONZ
tateishi shuya male white adult light 4.20 SILVER
Tokyo International Spring Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 36.00 2 2 1
yamaura kiyoto male white master 2 rooster 11.55 GOLD
miyata maki female white master 1 light feather 1.65 BRONZ
nojima shigeaki male blue master 2 rooster 11.55 GOLD
tateishi shuya male white adult light 6.30 SILVER
miki yoshiyasu male blue master 1 heavy 4.95 SILVER
Hokkaido Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 56.25 3 4 1
tachibana chiharu female white master 1 feather 10.50 GOLD
nagatsuka kazuhiro male white master 1 rooster 4.50 SILVER
chapleo kimiko female white master 3 light feather 4.50 SILVER
hirase masao male white master 4 feather 4.95 SILVER
akiyama shinemon male white adult feather 1.65 BRONZ
tateishi shuya male white adult feather 12.60 GOLD
miki yoshiyasu male blue master 1 open weight 12.60 GOLD
kouno yuuya male blue master 2 feather 4.95 SILVER
Kyushu International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 10.40 0 1 2
tanabe daigo male blue master 2 light 2.20 BRONZ
yamaura kiyoto male blue master 2 rooster 6.00 SILVER
tatsuo tsutsumi male white master 4 light feather 2.20 BRONZ
Sjjjf 6th All Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 104.40 1 5 9
tachibana chiharu female white master 1 light feather 23.10 GOLD
suzuki hironobu male blue master 4 open weight 10.80 SILVER
suzuki hironobu male blue master 4 feather 3.30 BRONZ
miyamoto hiroyuki male white master 5 heavy 3.30 BRONZ
miyamoto hiroyuki male white master 5 open weight 3.30 BRONZ
nagatsuka kazuhiro male white master 1 rooster 10.80 SILVER
nishio kento male white master 2 light feather 10.80 SILVER
chapleo kimiko female white master 3 feather 9.00 SILVER
yoshikawa kotaro male white master 3 light feather 3.30 BRONZ
hirase masao male white master 4 feather 3.60 BRONZ
nojima shigeaki male blue master 2 rooster 3.30 BRONZ
miki takeshi male blue master 1 light 3.30 BRONZ
tatsuo tsutsumi male white master 4 light feather 3.30 BRONZ
kim yeonhong male blue master 4 light 3.30 BRONZ
miki yoshiyasu male blue master 1 middle 9.90 SILVER
Asjjf Asian Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 92.00 2 1 0
tachibana chiharu female blue master 1 light feather 15.00 SILVER
nakayama yuka female purple adult light 38.50 GOLD
nakayama yuka female purple adult open weight 38.50 GOLD
Kanto Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 23.60 1 1 1
tatsuo tsutsumi male white master 4 light feather 15.40 GOLD
miki yoshiyasu male blue master 1 middle 6.00 SILVER
miki yoshiyasu male blue master 1 open weight 2.20 BRONZ
East Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship2023 116.00 2 11 7
sugahara akira male white master 2 light feather 6.60 SILVER
kudo hiroki male white master 1 light feather 2.20 BRONZ
suzuki hironobu male blue master 4 feather 6.00 SILVER
miyamoto hiroyuki male white adult open weight 6.00 SILVER
miyamoto hiroyuki male white master 2 super heavy 6.00 SILVER
awata kentaroh male white master 1 light 2.40 BRONZ
awata kentaroh male white master 2 open weight 6.60 SILVER
nishio kento male white master 2 light feather 15.40 GOLD
takinishi kisei male blue adult light 2.20 BRONZ
suzuki koshi male white master 2 light feather 2.20 BRONZ
yoshikawa kotaro male white master 3 light feather 6.60 SILVER
hirase masao male white master 4 feather 6.00 SILVER
ichigi naoto male blue master 2 light feather 6.00 SILVER
kanno ryuhi male white master 2 open weight 2.20 BRONZ
kanno ryuhi male white master 1 light 7.20 SILVER
sakakura saori female white adult light feather 6.00 SILVER
watanabe shin male white master 1 light feather 15.40 GOLD
tatsuo tsutsumi male white master 3 light feather 2.20 BRONZ
miki yoshiyasu male blue adult middle 6.60 SILVER
kouno yuuya male blue master 2 feather 2.20 BRONZ
Tokyo Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 3.00 0 1 0
chapleo kimiko female white master 3 light feather 3.00 SILVER
The 3rd Reversal Jiu Jitsu Cup 2023 In Sapporo 110.30 7 13 12
sugahara akira male white master 2 light feather 8.40 GOLD
tachibana chiharu female blue master 1 light feather 3.00 SILVER
tachibana chiharu female blue master 1 open weight 3.30 SILVER
hideki da silva male blue adult middle 3.00 SILVER
tanabe daigo male blue master 2 light 3.30 SILVER
oiwa hirokazu male white master 2 middle 1.10 BRONZ
kudo hiroki male white master 1 light feather 7.00 GOLD
nagatsuka kazuhiro male white master 1 rooster 7.70 GOLD
awata kentaroh male white master 2 open weight 3.30 SILVER
chapleo kimiko female white master 3 light feather 3.00 SILVER
takinishi kisei male blue master 1 open weight 3.00 SILVER
takinishi kisei male blue master 1 light 7.70 GOLD
suzuki koshi male white master 2 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
fukumoto kota male white master 1 light 1.20 BRONZ
hirase masao male white master 4 feather 8.40 GOLD
sakonji masataka male blue master 2 light 1.20 BRONZ
ichigi naoto male blue master 2 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
nojima shigeaki male blue master 2 light feather 1.20 BRONZ
akiyama shinemon male white adult light feather 8.40 GOLD
tateishi shuya male blue adult light 3.00 SILVER
arai takehiro male white adult light feather 1.20 BRONZ
kumon takuma male blue master 3 light feather 3.30 SILVER
kumon takuma male blue master 3 open weight 1.10 BRONZ
umezu tetsugo male white master 1 open weight 3.30 SILVER
umezu tetsugo male white master 1 light 3.30 SILVER
kim yeonhong male blue master 3 light 3.30 SILVER
yamamoto yohsuke male white adult light 1.10 BRONZ
ojio yohsuke male white master 2 light 1.10 BRONZ
toyoda yoichi male white master 2 light 1.10 BRONZ
miki yoshiyasu male blue adult medium heavy 3.30 SILVER
ueda yutaro male white adult light feather 1.10 BRONZ
kouno yuuya male blue master 2 feather 7.70 GOLD
Central Japan Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 9.00 0 1 1
kanno ryuhi male white master 2 light 6.60 SILVER
kanno ryuhi male white master 2 open weight 2.40 BRONZ
Tokyo International Winter Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 86.70 3 8 8
sugahara akira male blue master 2 rooster 1.65 BRONZ
sato atsushi male blue master 4 middle 4.95 SILVER
tachibana chiharu female blue master 1 open weight 4.95 SILVER
tachibana chiharu female blue master 1 light feather 10.50 GOLD
yasuhiro hirohata male brown adult rooster 11.55 GOLD
nagatsuka kazuhiro male blue master 1 rooster 4.95 SILVER
fujisawa keita male blue master 1 light feather 1.80 BRONZ
kojima keita male white master 1 light 2.10 BRONZ
nishio kento male blue master 2 light feather 1.65 BRONZ
chapleo kimiko female white master 3 open weight 4.95 SILVER
takinishi kisei male blue master 1 light 1.65 BRONZ
igarashi masaki male white master 3 open weight 4.95 SILVER
igarashi masaki male white master 3 medium heavy 4.50 SILVER
furukawa norihisa male blue master 2 light 1.80 BRONZ
murata ryozo male black master 3 feather 11.55 GOLD
sakakura saori female white adult light feather 1.65 BRONZ
nojima shigeaki male blue master 2 rooster 1.65 BRONZ
miki yoshiyasu male blue master 1 medium heavy 4.50 SILVER
kojima yuji male blue master 1 light 5.40 SILVER