The Black Belt Japan Okinawa

Japan Jiu Jitsu Ranking 2024
Adult Ranking
Kids Ranking


Event Points Gold Silver Bronze
Kansai International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 13.20 0 2 0
saijo hidenari male purple adult open weight 7.20 SILVER
saijo hidenari male purple adult heavy 6.00 SILVER
2024 Marianas Pro Japan (gi Only) 53.70 1 3 0
yumoto kazuyoshi male purple adult medium heavy 23.10 GOLD
miyagi takashi male black adult light feather 9.90 SILVER
tamashiro takayuki male brown master 4 feather 9.90 SILVER
tamashiro takayuki male master 4 brown open light 10.80 SILVER
Asia Jiu Jitsu Cup 2024 120.00 2 1 2
yumoto kazuyoshi male purple adult heavy 42.00 GOLD
fukuhisa oji male blue master 1 feather 6.00 BRONZ
miyagi takashi male black master 2 light feather 6.00 BRONZ
tamashiro takayuki male brown master 4 feather 46.20 GOLD
hiromi tsunashima female purple master 3 light feather 19.80 SILVER
Okinawa International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 112.05 6 7 6
mori atsushi male blue adult light 1.80 BRONZ
higa hirofumi male blue adult light feather 5.40 SILVER
jabro jessica female white adult light 1.65 BRONZ
yumoto kazuyoshi male purple master 1 medium heavy 10.50 GOLD
inayama kiyoaki male blue adult light feather 1.65 BRONZ
shimoji kohei male white adult light feather 1.65 BRONZ
fukui kunihiro male white master 3 ultra heavy 4.50 SILVER
imamura manato male white adult light 4.95 SILVER
kai rena female white master 1 feather 11.55 GOLD
kamiyama rentaro male blue adult light feather 1.65 BRONZ
yokoyama ryo male white adult light 11.55 GOLD
serikyaku shogo male white adult light feather 4.95 SILVER
naoki sonoyama male blue adult light 1.65 BRONZ
tominaga taiyo male white adult feather 4.95 SILVER
tamashiro takayuki male brown master 2 light 4.50 SILVER
ishigaki takuro male purple master 2 light feather 10.50 GOLD
miyagi yuki male blue master 2 feather 4.50 SILVER
sugio yutaro male blue master 1 middle 11.55 GOLD
sugio yutaro male blue master 1 open weight 12.60 GOLD
Tokyo International Master Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 11.55 1 0 0
tamashiro takayuki male brown master 4 open weight 11.55 GOLD
The 1st Reversal Jiu Jitsu Cup In Tokyo 8.70 1 0 1
kai rena female white master 1 feather 7.70 GOLD
kai rena female white master 1 open weight 1.00 BRONZ
East Japan Master Jiu Jitsu Championship2024 20.00 1 1 0
tamashiro takayuki male brown master 4 feather 6.00 SILVER
tamashiro takayuki male brown master 4 open weight 14.00 GOLD
Okinawa International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 108.60 7 5 4
nikadori daisuke male white master 1 heavy 4.50 SILVER
gibo erika female white master 1 feather 10.50 GOLD
higa hirofumi male blue adult light feather 1.65 BRONZ
jabro jessica female white adult open weight 4.95 SILVER
jabro jessica female white adult middle 11.55 GOLD
inayama kiyoaki male blue master 5 open weight 4.50 SILVER
inayama kiyoaki male blue master 5 light feather 10.50 GOLD
imamura manato male white adult light 10.50 GOLD
ikehara motoki male blue master 4 feather 10.50 GOLD
soejima ryo male white adult middle 1.65 BRONZ
omine ryu male white adult light feather 1.65 BRONZ
naoki sonoyama male blue adult light 4.95 SILVER
tominaga taiyo male white adult feather 5.40 SILVER
ogata tsubasa male white adult feather 1.65 BRONZ
sugio yutaro male blue adult open weight 12.60 GOLD
sugio yutaro male blue adult middle 11.55 GOLD
Central Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 14.00 1 0 0
kai rena female blue master 1 open weight 14.00 GOLD
South Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 In Kiyama 15.40 1 0 0
tamashiro takayuki male brown master 4 feather 15.40 GOLD
Sjjif World Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 101.50 1 1 1
tamashiro takayuki male brown master 4 feather 68.60 GOLD
wakayama tatsuya male black master 4 rooster 7.70 BRONZ
takaesu tomomi female blue master 2 light feather 25.20 SILVER
Asjjf Asian Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 112.20 2 1 0
kai rena female blue master 1 feather 19.80 SILVER
kai rena female blue master 1 open weight 46.20 GOLD
tamashiro takayuki male brown master 4 feather 46.20 GOLD
The King Of The Island Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 141.30 10 5 3
sunagawa daiya male white adult rooster 4.95 SILVER
shimoma hidefumi male blue adult feather 12.60 GOLD
higa hirofumi male blue adult light feather 1.65 BRONZ
matsuzono hironobu male white adult feather 4.95 SILVER
nishikawa kota male blue adult feather 1.80 BRONZ
ikehara motoki male blue master 5 feather 10.50 GOLD
nagano naofumi male white adult rooster 11.55 GOLD
bradley paul male purple adult heavy 4.50 SILVER
bradley paul male purple adult open weight 11.55 GOLD
kai rena female blue master 1 feather 10.50 GOLD
kamiya ryoko female white master 3 feather 4.50 SILVER
matsuura ryuunosuke male white adult light feather 11.55 GOLD
tominaga taiyo male white adult feather 11.55 GOLD
kinjo yudai male blue adult feather 1.65 BRONZ
miyagi yuki male blue master 2 feather 4.95 SILVER
iino yuto male blue adult light 11.55 GOLD
yoshida masaki male blue master 3 middle 10.50 GOLD
yoshida masaki male blue master 3 open weight 10.50 GOLD
Kyushu International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 16.00 1 0 1
kai rena female blue master 1 feather 14.00 GOLD
kai rena female blue master 1 open weight 2.00 BRONZ


Event Points Gold Silver Bronze
Okinawa International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 141.00 10 6 2
gibo akari female gray junior teen medium heavy 4.50 SILVER
toji anku male gray youth middle 11.55 GOLD
toji anru male gray junior teen medium heavy 4.50 SILVER
toji anto male gray teen feather 10.50 GOLD
unten aoto male white kindergarten light 10.50 GOLD
suwazono dan male gray youth light feather 11.55 GOLD
matsune hiroto male gray pre teen light feather 4.95 SILVER
syouki kudaka male white youth feather 10.50 GOLD
toi mariya female white youth light 10.50 GOLD
unten ran male gray pre teen feather 10.50 GOLD
matsune seshu male white kindergarten rooster 11.55 GOLD
takaesu shiro male gray pre teen light feather 1.80 BRONZ
kudaka syouto male white youth light feather 11.55 GOLD
takaesu tomone male gray junior teen light feather 10.50 GOLD
nakamoto yuito male white pre teen feather 1.65 BRONZ
yohena yuju male white kindergarten light feather 4.95 SILVER
shinzato yuma male white pre teen light feather 4.50 SILVER
yamakawa yuuto male gray pre teen light 4.95 SILVER
Tokyo International Kids Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 21.45 1 2 0
toji anku male gray youth middle 5.40 SILVER
toji anru male white junior teen medium heavy 4.50 SILVER
toji anto male gray teen feather 11.55 GOLD
Jiu Jitsu Koushien Spring 2024 20.60 1 1 0
toji anku male white youth middle 14.00 GOLD
toji anto male gray teen feather 6.60 SILVER
East Japan Kids Jiu Jitsu Championship2024 16.80 1 0 0
toji anto male gray teen feather 16.80 GOLD
Okinawa International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 65.20 3 6 2
gibo akari female white junior teen medium heavy 10.50 GOLD
toji anto male gray teen medium heavy 10.50 GOLD
unten aoto male gray kindergarten light 10.50 GOLD
matsune hiroto male gray pre teen feather 4.50 SILVER
motoki iha male white teen light 4.95 SILVER
inayama kiyosirou male white junior teen light 4.50 SILVER
syouki kudaka male white youth light 1.65 BRONZ
urasaki roa male white pre teen middle 4.50 SILVER
kudaka syouto male white youth light feather 7.00 SILVER
nakamoto yuito male white pre teen feather 1.65 BRONZ
yohena yuju male white kindergarten feather 4.95 SILVER
Sjjif World Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 160.30 2 1 1
toji anku male white youth middle 58.80 GOLD
toji anru male white junior teen medium heavy 7.70 BRONZ
toji anto male gray teen light 25.20 SILVER
matsune seshu male white kindergarten light feather 68.60 GOLD
Asjjf Asian Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 43.80 0 2 1
toji anku male white youth middle 18.00 SILVER
toji anru male white junior teen medium heavy 6.00 BRONZ
toji anto male gray teen light 19.80 SILVER
The King Of The Island Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 103.50 6 6 3
gibo akari female gray junior teen medium heavy 10.50 GOLD
toji anku male white pre teen light 4.95 SILVER
toji anru male white junior teen heavy 11.55 GOLD
toji anto male gray teen light 11.55 GOLD
nakasone hasuma male white kindergarten rooster 4.95 SILVER
matsune hiroto male gray pre teen feather 5.40 SILVER
syouki kudaka male white youth light 11.55 GOLD
iha motoki male gray teen light 1.65 BRONZ
matsune seshu male white kindergarten light feather 11.55 GOLD
takaesu shiro male gray pre teen feather 11.55 GOLD
henzan taiyou male white youth light feather 1.65 BRONZ
matuyama tomoa male white junior teen heavy 4.95 SILVER
nakamoto yuito male white pre teen light 1.80 BRONZ
yohena yuju male white kindergarten feather 4.95 SILVER
suwazono zen male white toddler light feather 4.95 SILVER