Jiu Jitsu And Mma Academy G-face

Asia Jiu Jitsu Ranking 2024
Adult Ranking
Kids Ranking


Event Points Gold Silver Bronze
The 2nd Reversal Jiu Jitsu Cup In Fukuoka 49.90 4 4 2
nakao azuki female blue adult open weight 7.70 GOLD
nakao azuki female blue adult light 7.70 GOLD
harada mayuko female blue adult open weight 1.10 BRONZ
harada mayuko female blue adult light feather 3.30 SILVER
gunjgake ouki male white adult light 8.40 GOLD
gunjgake ouki male white adult open weight 9.80 GOLD
fujimoto rinto male blue adult rooster 3.60 SILVER
morihama shota male white adult light feather 3.60 SILVER
sugiyama takumi male white juvenile medium heavy 1.10 BRONZ
fujimoto tomu male blue adult light feather 3.60 SILVER
Asia Jiu Jitsu Cup 2024 52.20 1 0 1
harada mayuko female blue adult light feather 46.20 GOLD
takahama taisei male purple adult light 6.00 BRONZ
Kyushu International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 66.40 3 3 1
imamura kaname male white adult light feather 8.40 SILVER
isohama masayuki male brown master 1 open weight 14.00 GOLD
wakimoto rion male blue juvenile light feather 14.00 GOLD
eshita ritsu male blue master 5 open weight 6.60 SILVER
eshita ritsu male blue master 5 feather 14.00 GOLD
okuda rui male blue adult feather 7.20 SILVER
sugiyama takumi male white adult feather 2.20 BRONZ
South Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 In Kiyama 100.80 5 3 0
imamura kaname male white adult light feather 8.40 SILVER
wakimoto rion male blue juvenile light feather 15.40 GOLD
eshita ritsu male blue master 5 feather 6.60 SILVER
okuda rui male blue adult feather 16.80 GOLD
harada taiki male white adult light feather 16.80 GOLD
harada yuki female white adult light feather 15.40 GOLD
matsuoka yukika female blue master 1 open weight 6.00 SILVER
matsuoka yukika female blue master 1 light 15.40 GOLD
Sjjif World Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 72.80 1 0 2
harada mayuko female purple adult light feather 7.00 BRONZ
harada tadahiro male black adult feather 7.00 BRONZ
matsuoka yukika female blue master 1 feather 58.80 GOLD
Chugoku Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 6.00 0 1 0
wakimoto rion male blue juvenile light feather 6.00 SILVER
Kyushu International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 142.20 5 7 4
ishimura eisuke male blue adult light 7.20 SILVER
shibayama kaito male blue adult light feather 16.80 GOLD
nakayama mitsuho male white adult light feather 2.20 BRONZ
shibayama ran male white adult rooster 6.60 SILVER
wakimoto rion male blue juvenile light feather 6.60 SILVER
takita riyou male white adult light feather 16.80 GOLD
okuda rui male blue adult feather 19.60 GOLD
takemoto saori female white adult open weight 7.20 SILVER
takemoto saori female white master 1 feather 15.40 GOLD
hirano sasuke male white adult open weight 2.20 BRONZ
morihama shota male blue adult feather 7.20 SILVER
sugiyama takumi male white juvenile middle 16.80 GOLD
sugiyama takumi male white juvenile open weight 2.00 BRONZ
fujimoto tomu male blue adult light feather 2.40 BRONZ
matsuoka yukika female blue adult light 6.60 SILVER
matsuoka yukika female blue master 1 open weight 6.60 SILVER


Event Points Gold Silver Bronze
The 2nd Reversal Jiu Jitsu Cup In Fukuoka 7.70 1 0 0
ikimura daia male white youth rooster 7.70 GOLD
Asia Jiu Jitsu Cup 2024 21.60 0 1 0
wakimoto rion male orange teen feather 21.60 SILVER
Kyushu International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 69.40 3 2 6
ikimura daia male white youth light feather 15.40 GOLD
kawahara ema female white youth light feather 2.00 BRONZ
nagata ichigo male white kindergarten rooster 2.00 BRONZ
somei kazumi male white youth light 2.00 BRONZ
marui kisara female gray pre teen light 2.00 BRONZ
sakou nika female white youth light feather 2.00 BRONZ
harada saki female gray junior teen light feather 15.40 GOLD
somei shunma male white pre teen light feather 2.00 BRONZ
harada taijyu male white youth medium heavy 14.00 GOLD
harada yuki female white teen feather 6.00 SILVER
marui yuto male gray junior teen light feather 6.60 SILVER
South Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 In Kiyama 47.00 2 1 4
ikimura daia male white youth light feather 16.80 GOLD
kawahara ema female white youth light feather 2.00 BRONZ
nagata ichigo male white kindergarten rooster 2.20 BRONZ
yoshimoto kiichi male white pre teen light feather 15.40 GOLD
harada saki female yellow junior teen feather 6.60 SILVER
urakawa tatumasa male gray junior teen light 2.00 BRONZ
marui yuto male gray junior teen light feather 2.00 BRONZ
Sjjif World Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 37.10 0 1 1
nakashima taiga male gray teen light feather 7.70 BRONZ
urakawa tatumasa male gray junior teen feather 29.40 SILVER
Asjjf Asian Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 109.80 2 1 0
wakimoto rion male orange teen feather 46.20 GOLD
nakashima taiga male gray teen feather 42.00 GOLD
urakawa tatumasa male gray junior teen feather 21.60 SILVER
Kyushu International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 63.80 3 3 0
ikimura arata male white toddler light feather 6.60 SILVER
ikimura daia male gray youth light feather 6.60 SILVER
urakawa shoki male white teen feather 15.40 GOLD
nakashima taiga male gray teen feather 14.00 GOLD
urakawa tatumasa male gray junior teen feather 14.00 GOLD
fukamachi ubuki male white youth medium heavy 7.20 SILVER